Well, it is late August and I sense change in the air. The weather has been cooling off lately, leaves are starting to turn, although the heat may return soon. The Jays have changed their roster through trades, hoping for the best and best of all, the Leafs have changed their Captain!
Politicians are also calling for change. It even looks like a time for change south of the border.
Voter attitudes seem to be changing as the current Federal Liberal government seems to be losing ground with the public, if you can believe the recent polling data. True or not, things seem to be getting worse for all Canadians.
Housing is almost impossible to afford or find. Inflation is still a big problem causing the cost of living to cripple many Canadians. The homeless abound. Shootings are escalating despite the government’s banning of hand guns and AR-15 style rifles. Beer and wine in corner stores may not be the whole answer to societies ills.
Now the Province of Ontario is calling for change – to safe injection sites. Premier Doug Ford is shutting down some of those safe injection sites, which turn out to not be so safe and in doing so has aroused the ire of the left wing Greek chorus. Listening to them you would think that Ford’s decision will bring the world to an end.
Brian Lilley talks about the decision in the Toronto Sun in his article of 20 August, 2024 by looking at statistics from other jurisdictions:
“In 2014, B.C. had just 370 overdose deaths and in 2023 saw 2,569 people die from opioid overdose. This year, B.C. is on track for well over 2,000 overdose deaths again”.
In recalling the shooting death of an innocent woman outside a safe injection site in downtown Toronto and looking at such dire statistics as those shown above one wonders in what direction are the left-wing liberals, who seem to dictate public policy going?,
They were quick to decry the ownership of some firearms and criminalize legal firearm ownership and use when so few were killed, in comparison to those who have died by way of the illicit drug trade, and yet they still want to decriminalize drug possession and use.
Ford seems to be tired of the Feds dragging their legislative feet when asked to do something about the shooters and dealers who get out on bail so easily when arrested. The left wants to decriminalize everything it seems and even Toronto’s Mayor doesn’t seem to have a game plane outside of supporting special interest groups.
Safe injection sites were going to save the souls of those lost in drugs until B.C. proved that it only added to the problem. Toronto wants to follow B.C.’s example, even in the face of empirical evidence to the contrary. Go figure.
Yes, it may be time for change and not the kind you carry in your pocket in case you are beset by the growing number of beggars on our streets. They say change is difficult to handle, but like Doug Ford’s current initiative, change may be overdue here in Ontario.
Yes, I for one sense changes in the air. Next up, perhaps we will get lucky and see some changes at the Federal level in the upcoming election. One can only hope!