PRPC Update January 7th 2025
The PRPC AGM has been set for Saturday April 26th 9am at the Lions Center 347 Burnham Street Peterborough. More details to follow closer to the date.
The winter weather is back! The parking lot is plowed and sanded when needed. The entrance and walkway are maintained by members. There is a shovel located inside the door and there is sand in the sandbox If you are physically able, and the entrance requires clearing, please shovel it and put down some sand if required.
***Please note the following change when you are shooting on the range. The CFO requires an RO if there is more than one shooter on the line. If there is more than one person shooting, one shall assume the duties of the Range Officer and may not shoot while doing so.***
-When shooting shotguns, please be sure the put the empty husks in the Pail marked “Shotgun Husks”, not the recycle bins. The recycling trucks are refusing to pick up the recycle due to the shotgun husks being in the bin.
RO and Holster Course: There is a sign up sheet on the board for the next course. (Date TBD). If you are interested in becoming and Range Officer or becoming Holster Certified, please sign up.
With the memorandum from the CFO requiring an RO when there is more than one shooter on the line please consider taking this course. There is no charge for the RO course for members.
Members that wish to come watch Monday night holster shooting to see if they are interested in the sport are more than welcome to watch but
may not participate in the shooting event until they have become CFQ’d, Holster Certified and have signed the Holster Agreement.
Tuesday Gallery:
We had a great turnout this evening, and when the dust settled it was Loranne who picked up the first win in 2025 with a 298!!! Ben had the hi net with a 261 and Glenn won the free game.
In the centerfire, Charlie won both the hi net (235) and the hi gross with a perfect 300. Terry won the free game.
Terry started the year off with a bang by claiming four clothespins during practice and competitions. Glenn not wanting to be undone shot the string!
Have a great evening!
Wednesday Probation Nights
Wednesday Probationary Nights resume Wednesday January 22nd.
If you have a friend or family member interested in joining PRPC, Please email me at PRPCSecretary@gmai.com and I will get them on the intake list. Please have them mention they are a family member/friend of a current member and they will get priority on the waiting list.
Weekly Updates/Emails- The Club emails will now be found in the members only section of the PRPC Website
CSSA Insurance:
Please remember that your CSSA insurance is purchased thru your membership renewal. The 2025 Renewals will not be issuing a refund. The Insurance Purchase with your membership renewal is mandatory, no exceptions. Renewal forms will be coming out early February. Your membership renewal is due by March 31/2025.
MEMBERS HANDBOOK- The members handbook can now be found on line in the members only section of the website. The password to the website is the same numbers as the gate code.
2025 Rentals:
Thursday January 9th 11am-1pm
Thursday January 9th 6pm-9pm
Tuesday February 4th 11am-1pm
Wednesday February 5th 8am-5pm
Thursday February 6th 8am-5pm
Friday February 7th 8am-5pm
Thursday March 6th 11am-1pm
Wishing you a Very Happy New Year!