The View from the Firing Line

The other day I was thinking of the meaning of a particular word, having just heard the latest news report that the former United States President had been shot and yes, fortunately, survived the assassination attempt. The word that came to mind was “epiphany”. I...

The View from the Firing Line

The old Chinese proverb which says something to the effect; “may you live in interesting times” surely was thinking of Canada under the fatherly leadership of Justin Trudeau. He said he would reduce gun violence and increase public safety with his Bill C-21, yet gun...

The View from the Firing Line

I don’t watch soap operas on television. They all seem to be built around some tragic event. I know that some have been running for years and have loyal fans worldwide. So, it comes as no surprise now that one of the longest running soap operas is playing out in the...

The View from the Firing Line

It is no secret that security conditions in the world as a whole are changing. Two major conflicts are underway in both the Ukraine and Gaza. Authoritarian regimes are expanding both their influence and arms capabilities and NATO has had to increase its European...

The View from the Firing Line

Proud to be a Canadian. Our Prime Minister in his never ending zeal to eradicate gun crime with the introduction of Bill C-21 and amendments to Canada’s Criminal Code this year is making my community a safe haven for some Canadians. His recent sentencing amendments...

The View from the Firing Line

Thank God I live in Canada. Universal health care introduced way back in the 60’s when Tommy Douglas walked the scorched reaches of the prairies. Unfortunately, one needs a family doctor to access the health care system and as Stephen Leacock once wrote; “none could...